Stimerex And Lipodrene Weight Loss Pills From Hi Tech

Submitted by: Mark DeRosa

Lipodrene is an ephedra-based weight loss pill that is made from a unique blend of select ingredients. It is said to promote weight loss in a fast, safe and effective manner.

It is quite common for people to be discontented with what they have. This is especially true in terms of their looks and physical appearance. Those who are white or fair-skinned would like to be tanned; those who are blonde would like to be brunettes. The same is true for people who are on the heavy side in terms of weight. The skinnier or the thinner, the better. However, losing weight is not as easy as changing your skin color or your hair color. It takes hard work, effort, and time. Sometimes, it even involves a certain amount of pain. Other times, it can also involve a hefty sum of money, especially if the individual decides to undergo a surgical procedure, such as liposuction or, in more extreme circumstances, a gastric bypass surgery.

Most people, however, want a quick, easy and effective solution to the problem or dilemma that they encounter. This is why in the field of weight loss, diet supplements and weight loss pills have been leading the pack for quite sometime now. This is because weight loss pills are cheap, easy to use, and effective. A good example of this is the Lipodrene weight loss pill.


Lipodrene is an ephedra-based weight loss pill manufactured by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. Each tablet of the Lipodrene weight loss pill is made with a proprietary blend of the following ingredients: Ephedra Extract, Acacia Rigidula Extract, MethylSynephrine, Pheylethylamine HCL (an ingredient that can also be found in chocolates and which is known to produce a feeling of happiness and general well-being), Synephrine HCL, Theobromine, Green Tea Extract (a constant ingredient in diet pills and weight loss supplements that is touted for the beneficial effects that it has on a person s health, mind and body), Hoodia Extract, Cassia Nomame Extract, Naringen (a powerful substance that is derived from grapefruit and is known for increasing and extending the effects of caffeine and lowering cholesterol levels), Dihydroxybergamottin, 5-Methoxytryptamine HCL, L-5-Hydroxytryptophan, Yohimbine HCL, as well as Caffeine Anhydrous. The unique combination of these ingredients results in a power-packed weight loss pill that promotes fast and effective weight loss.

Stimerex-ES is a new variety of the earlier version of the Stimerex weight loss pill. This ephedra-based weight loss supplement is said to be the most powerful and most effective one available in the market today.

Stimerex-ES is a weight loss pill that is believed to be the strongest ephedra-based health supplement that can be bought without a doctor s prescription. Nutra Source is the manufacturing company behind Stimerex-ES and it claims that this is the most potent over-the-counter diet pill available in the market today.

Stimerex-ES helps increase a person s energy and helps promote weight loss. There were versions of this same weight loss pill that were previously released to the public and they already proved to be very effective for weight loss. However, according to some sources, this latest version of Stimerex is the most powerful, most effective variant ever. Thus, it would be hard to find any other product that can match its properties.

The Stimerex-ES weight loss pill is made up of the following ingredients: Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange, Acacia leaf Extract, Theobroma Cocoa Extract, Green Tea, Naringen, Phenylethlamine, 3-Dimethyl Aminoethanol Bitartrate, Yohimbe, and Caffeine.

Citrus aurantium is sometimes referred to as ephedra s cousin, because it is said to possess properties very similar to ephedra. Acacia leaf extract has properties that are similar to the properties of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Theobroma cocoa extract has properties that have the ability to stimulate the body s central nervous system. Green tea is a common ingredient in weight loss preparations because it has the ability to increase the body s metabolic rate. Naringen prolongs the effects of the other ingredients contained in Stimerex-ES, as well as in other weight loss pills, and enhances the absorption of nutrients in the body. Phenylethlamine is sometimes called a love chemical that can also be found in chocolates. This ingredient releases dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a general feeling of happiness and well-being. 3-dimethyl aminoethanol bitartrate has effects that are similar to phenylethlamine, as it has a positive effect on mood and well-being. Yohimbe is well-known for being an aphrodisiac, but it was recently discovered to have the ability promote weight loss, as well. Finally, it is common knowledge that the combination of ephedra and the last ingredient, caffeine, work synergistically to promote weight loss faster.

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