Retirement Is Not An Option For Me

Retirement is Not an Option for Me


John Carrier

After 50 years of working various jobs I managed to acquire enough money,I thought, to retire. I think I was 62 at the time and took my SS benefits early at the discounted rate.

So with golf clubs, fishing pole, boat, and RV in hand I headed out into \”retirement\”. After a few years of hitting on thousands of little white golf balls with a big iron stick, dragging hundreds of fish out of the water, using thousands of gallons of gasoline in my boat and RV I got bored with the \”retirement\” game.

My kids now were grown up and working to support their kids and making more money than I ever did, and no longer needed me to help them. The shocking truth was that here I was still alive after surviving cancer, heart surgery,new eyes,new teeth,and still quite pretty and need a purpose to keep kicking the can down the road ahead. They told me to just sit down and enjoy my \”retirement\”.


Well I wasn\’t enjoying my retirement and needed to find something new to do that would bring some life back into the old body and refresh my dinosour brain. I started by joining the YMCA and working out a few days per week.This led to looking at what I was eating that was making me fat and lazy. I went on line with my computer looking for information on health issues and this led me to all kinds other stuff that started my brain up again.

So lo and behold, I decided to start myself a new business where I would be the Boss. determine when I needed to work at it,and do something that I liked. I didn\’t need the money as much as I needed to have something to do that would also be fun to do. If I made any money with it I would give it away to other people that needed it more than me.

Now that sounds crazy. I would work my new business and give the money I might make away. Not that I am rich enough to be handing out money, but I learned some time ago that having a lot money does not mean a person is better than those that don\’t have it,or smarter,or happier. Life is about liking yourself and being able to feel everyday that you are living the way you choose.

It seemed to me that after I got over the need for instant riches, that I could use to adorn myself with, I should look into something that might help other people also have good lives and have some fun as well.So at the ripe young age of 70 I launched myself into the cyber world and started my own internet marketing business.

Like everyone I bought into all sorts of programs and found that 90 % were just not workable and only wanted my money. As I sorted through all this new stuff, I was learning the business from mistakes.My kids told me to just give it up and go back to the rocking chair and stop causing problems that might infringe upon their inheritances. My peers,folks my age, told me I was acting strange and my new energy for life might be a sign of some new sickness.They wanted me to be just like them and play scrabble every night.

Too late now. Retirement for me is not an option. Been there, done that, and its not the way to go.

John Carrier owns where popular home business programs are testedto see what works and what does not.Visit today or check out the # 1 home-based business at

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