Proper Losing Weight Tips For Teens

By Chris Johansen

Adolescence is a very turbulent period in life where one transitions from being a kid to an adult. There are so many changes, physically, emotionally and mentally, happening at the same time that it is hard to comprehend. Most undergo an identity crisis where they try to understand who they are. To cope, teens often seek support from friends and family and strive to be accepted. While they are open to positive reinforcement, they are also vulnerable to a lot of negativity like negative body image. Presently, the media bombards people with impossible and unnatural images of beauty that forces most people to try to fit themselves in.

This is why a lot of teenagers suffer from eating disorders in attempts to be accepted. And while losing weight is generally healthy, the process that they undergo to become skinnier is actually doing more damage. They key in achieving long-term and healthy weight loss for teens is to accept their bodies first. Here are some losing weight tips for teens.

Teens should lose weight for the right reasons. It is extremely hard to lose weight and keep it off if the current mindset is that they are ugly while they still have the extra pounds. Healthy weight loss will take some time and if someone thinks they are unattractive or unacceptable during this time, their social, school and family life will suffer. They will also experience a dip in self-esteem. It is important to lose weight for health and personal reasons. Disregard what other people say about how you should look because if you start with a negative body image, you can be 20 lbs lighter but still hate your body.


Understand that the process of healthy weight loss takes time and discipline. A lot of teens undergo extreme measures, like starvation, just to achieve their ideal body in the shortest amount of time. And while this may work for some, this will backfire in the long run. The things you do for a healthy weight loss are things that you can commit to doing for the rest of your life. This can be as simple as eating more vegetables than white bread or brisk walking for thirty minutes in the morning.

As part of effective losing weight tips for teens, it is important to understand that your body is undergoing a lot of changes and you are still developing. Do not be discouraged if you do not see results right away even if you have been eating healthier and more active. Even the scale does not tell you that you are lighter your body is experiencing a lot of the benefits of your healthier lifestyle.

While having a leaner and slimmer body is great, it is not the only gauge of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise increases the production of dopamine, or the ‘feel good’ hormones, in your body. Eating healthy will give you glowing skin, stronger hair and teeth. Even if you do not fit into the smallest dress size, a healthy lifestyle will allow you to look and feel your best. These losing weight tips for teens aim to help you adapt a healthier lifestyle altogether.

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