Petroleum Engineer What Does A Petroleum Engineer Do?

Submitted by: Michael Phillips

Gaining a degree in petroleum engineering can lead to many career ventures. Most petroleum engineers work directly in oil and gas productions, but options for work are broad and cross over many industries.

Petroleum, nowadays, provides 70% of the world’s energy and is most likely to increase its demand for the next 50 years. We find petroleum products in every area of our lives and this makes the oil industry to be the most lucrative all across the globe. Easily recognized uses of petroleum are the gasoline to fuel our cars and the heating oil we use in heating our homes. Less obvious uses are the petroleum-based components of plastics, medicines, food items, and other products. In the light of this, these professionals have a future full of challenges and opportunities.

Though earnings for engineers vary significantly by specialty, industry, and education, as a group, engineers earn some of the highest average starting salaries among those holding bachelor’s degree. The average starting salary for this field of engineering ranges from more than $85k to more than $100k. It is enticing, right? But what does it take to be a petroleum engineer? For almost all-entry level engineering jobs, a bachelor’s degree in engineering is prerequisite. Admission requirements include a solid background in Mathematics, and all other sciences from geology to chemistry and physics.


When you graduate with this degree, you are to handle the responsibility of searching for sites that has the potential for containing oil and gas. You are to oversee and monitor the construction process in the site and adjust to changes accordingly. Collaborating with other specialist in determine proper drilling methods and equipment to be used is also part of the task in which the aim is to safely extract products by utilizing processes that cost as less as possible. Continuing research in the aspect of oil transport is given highest importance, most particularly in discovering new and environmentally sound methods.

Since many petroleum companies conduct worldwide operations, the petroleum engineer have the opportunity for assignments all over the world. Petroleum engineers must be flexible and creative enough to apply essential skills in these different assignments. The exciting technological challenges, major responsibilities and great monetary compensation combine to offer the petroleum engineer a most rewarding career.

There is absolutely a wide range of possibilities that you can encounter in this great petroleum engineering career. Travelling around the world, working out your passion, and living out the best from the opportunity of working in foreign locales, and at the same time extremely enjoying high paying positions are the experiences that make this worth a career.

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