Omega 3 Benefits And Best Omega 3 Sources

By Olinda Rola

Omega 3 benefits are wide-ranging and proven by clinical studies. Understanding the best Omega 3 sources means you can include more of these healthy foods in your daily meal planning. From heart health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health.

What are Omega 3’s and what are the best Omega 3 sources? The Omega 3 essesential fatty acids (EFA’s) are polyunsaturated fats or the so-called “good fats”. These desirable fats cannot be made by the human body, so they must be obtained from foods or supplemental sources. These fats are required for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerve tissue in humans. Clinical studies show that Omega 3 benefits come primarily from DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

The best Omega 3 sources are animal foods, not plant sources. For example, flaxseed is a source, but the body must convert the flax oil Omega 3 into DHA and EPA. This can be difficult for unhealthy or elderly persons. Three of the top Omega 3 sources are cold-water fish oil, grass-fed red meat and natural eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements.

Here are Omega 3 benefits proven by clinical studies:

1. Improves Heart Health – fish oil and Omega 3 benefits include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart-related sudden death and lowering unhealthy triglyceride levels. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish a week for healthy persons and one serving per day of fish or fish oil supplement containing at least 900mg of fish oil for persons with heart disease.


2. Improves Mood – persons suffering from mood disorders such as depression benefit from fish oil supplementation and Omega 3. The lack of omega 3 fatty acids (DHA) has been linked by researchers to depression.

3. Reduces Risk of Developing Altzheimer’s Disease – clinical studies suggest that fish oil and DHA may protect the nervous system in humans.

4. Improves Memory and Brain Function – DHA and fish oil have been proven to stimulate memory and the ability to learn. Research has shown that mothers who take supplemental DHA during their pregnancy and lactation may increase their baby’s IQ.

5. Reduces Allergies – fish oil protects against the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, asthma, certain food allergies and allergic skin conditions like hives and eczema.

6. Reduces Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms – Omega 3 benefits come from the EPA and DHA in fish oil that reduce the amount of compounds causing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis.

7. Improves Eye Health – consuming fish oil is related to lowered risk of developing age related macular degeneration, an increasing common eye disease in people over 50.

8. Reduces PMS Symptoms in Women – Omega 3 is converted into substances called ‘prostaglandins type-3’ that control contractions of the uterus, which cause the cramping.

9. Improves Skin and Hair Health – fish oil helps protect the skin against damage from UV exposure, and skin disorders such as psoriasis can consider fish oil supplenentation a treatment option.

10. Lowers Cancer Risk – studies on Omega 3 benefits have linked lowered risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer to the consumption of fish oil.

Besides adding cold-water fish to meal planning, an easy way to enjoy Omega 3 benefits is by adding fish oil supplementation to your diet. Protect yourself from health problems related to the lack of the essential fatty acids DHA and EFA. The best of the Omega 3 sources is high-quality fish oil. However, it must be pure and totally free from contaminants. Read as much as you can about even more fish oil benefits that provide an amazing array of health benefits.

Copyright 2005 Infosearch Publishing

About the Author: See Omega 3 clinical studies at

and find reliable sources of high quality fish oil. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of

– a website of natural health articles and resources.


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