Medical Spa: Treat Cellulite For A Slimmer Look Without Surgery

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  • Medical Spa: Treat Cellulite For A Slimmer Look Without Surgery

By Abigail Aaronson

Are you squeamish about needles and scalpels? Does the very idea of putting a stick in your body and vacuuming out the fat make you run for the hills? But, you’ve got cottage cheese on your thighs and you hate it! No amount of diet and exercise has been able to get rid of the dimples on your legs known as cellulite.

And, you’ve spent untold amounts of money on creams and lotions to no avail. Well, if you just can’t bring yourself to have liposuction to permanently remove those fatty pockets causing the dimples, a medical spa has an alternative treatment just for you.

And, even after liposuction, cellulite may still be visible. It is non-invasive and can help reduce the appearance of cellulite which will also make you look slimmer. The procedure is called endermologie and here’s how it works:


A combination of rollers and suction are used to smooth out the skin. You will put on a special garment prior to the procedure. Then, for the next 30-45 minutes, the practitioner rolls the massage device over the affected area.

The combination of rollers and suction allow for deep tissue massage that simply smoothes out the underlying tissue and skin. If you have any medical pre-existing medical conditions, be sure to let the technician know prior to the procedure, especially circulatory, muscular or sensitive skin issues.

Unfortunately, the effects of endermologie are temporary. You will need several treatments for the effects to be visible. Once you’ve achieved the results, you will still need to have maintenance treatments at the medical spa once a month or so.

Since there is no real way to get rid of cellulite permanently, the only other option is to reduce its appearance and endermologie can do just that. Because of the repeated maintenance, endermologie can get quite expensive so you have to weigh the severity of your condition, the benefits to your self-esteem and the damage to your wallet when you decide. A medical spa will likely offer package prices that are better than individual treatment prices.

There are other benefits to this medical spa treatment besides the obvious. It also improves the flow of the lymphatic system which is responsible for moving toxins out of the body. Circulation is improved, the massaging action relaxes muscles, to some extent is can also contour the body and give the skin an overall healthier appearance.

Though the technician concentrates on the affected area, this is also a total body experience. Because of the benefits to circulation and muscles, the technician will spend a little time on the rest of the body as well. This is how you get that overall better body look.

When you choose your medical spa facility, verify the staff’s credentials. A doctor is not necessary to treat this condition so a certified aesthetician or other medical spa technician can do it. However, you want to make sure that whoever does it, that she is trained to use the equipment so that you get optimal results. Endermologie can smooth out the dimpled areas and smooth out your skin giving you the confidence you need to bare all this summer.

About the Author: Endermologie is a non-invasive treatment that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you prefer to get treatments in a medical spa, Pittsburgh center gives you benefits of a relaxing and luxurious environment. Visit


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