Botox And Dermal Fillers: The Non Surgical Nose Job

By Abigail Aaronson

Very few people have what experts qualify as a “perfect nose”. Perhaps it is crooked, bumpy, or maybe their bridge seems too low or wide, whatever the imperfection, most people are very aware of their nasal flaws.

But while most people aren’t satisfied with their schnozzles, they are many that are not ready or willing to undergo rhinoplasty, a major and permanent, not to mention expensive, surgery used to correct nasal imperfections. But there is hope for those people with minor flaws. Their imperfections can be addressed with injectables like Botox and dermal fillers.

Injectables can’t solve everything but there are many cases in which dermal fillers and Botox can serve as an alternative to rhinoplasty. Some of these cases include concerns such as an over prominent tip, a low and wide bridge, a ski-slope, as well as a bumpy one. In all these situations, the nose must not be too large, because injectables will correct and smooth out but only by adding additional volume.


An over prominent nasal tip looks like it sits too high or sticks out too far making it the center of attention. This can be corrected by Botox injections. Botox will reduce the muscle pull on the tip allowing it to drop and become less noticeable. These results will last up to four months.

Many African-Americans and people of Asian descent are born with low and wide bridges. Low, wide bridges may also be the result of a poorly done rhinoplasty. From the front a low bridge makes the eyes appear to be set too far apart. It also may make it look out of proportion with the rest of the face, appearing too short or bottom heavy.

From the side the bridge seems to sit too close to the face. In all cases of low and wide bridges, attention is drawn away from the eyes and toward the nose. Fortunately, injectables can fix this concern. A plastic surgeon or qualified technician can inject dermal filler along the length of the nose to make it appear higher. The results will last from one to two years.

A ski-slope type is the combination of both a low bridge and an over prominent up-turned tip. This case looks just like its name: a ski slope. It occurs both naturally and as a result of a poorly performed rhinoplasty. Dermal fillers can be injected to fill in the depressed parts of the nose for less of a scoop. The longevity of the results depends upon which fillers are used.

Many people have a bumpy nose which means that their noses lack smooth transitions from one part to another. One part of the bridge will be higher than the rest because of uneven amounts of cartilage. A bumpy nose can be fixed by using dermal fillers to fill in the depressions surrounding the bump.

Basically, a smoother nose is made by adding more volume to the rest of the part. Again, the length of the results depends on the specific fillers used. Botox and dermal fillers can be used to fix naturally occurring nose imperfections as well as mistakes resulting from a previous rhinoplasty.

Injectables can also be used during the healing period following a rhinoplasty, as it may not take its correct and final shape for up to a year following the surgery. Using Botox and dermal fillers is not a permanent solution to correcting nose problems and treatments must repeated after a few months or every couple of years depending on the injectables used.

If a person seeks a permanent solution but is unsure of what they would look like, using injectables once or twice may act as a trial run for rhinoplasty. In all cases, patients ought to counsel with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon before making any decisions.

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