6 Signs Of A Tummy Tuck Gone Bad}

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  • 6 Signs Of A Tummy Tuck Gone Bad}

Submitted by: Rena Graham

Tummy tuck, just like any procedures is not free from any degree of risk. That is why it is very important for you to choose a good doctor, prepare your body ahead of time, and precisely follow post-operative instructions. If you are concerned about the condition of your tummy tuck or being cautious, here are six signs of a bad tummy tuck.

1. Delayed Healing

The recovery period for a tummy tuck surgery would take two weeks to a month. And you can even resume light activities by then or even earlier. However if you dont see any improvement in your condition, especially with pain or with ease in mobility, it is best to inform your surgeon immediately. This could mean that something is disrupting the healing process inside.

Wounds that are also not closing at expected rate is a good portal of entry for infections, which could all the more lengthen the time of healing.


2. Smelly Discharges

If ever you notice any pungent discharges that may ooze out of your drain or from your wound, immediately inform your doctor. It can be a sign that the site is infected which can either be caused by an unsterile procedure or a lack of proper care on your part. You can avoid infection by taking your antibiotics as prescribed and directed. By taking proper caution and doing wound dressing can also prevent this from happening.

3. Deformed Abdominal Area

An irregular abdominal contour is definitely a big disappointment for tummy tuck patients. It may be trimmed but the area doesnt go smoothly, as evidenced by wrinkling or dimpling. You can have this repaired with a corrective surgery. Or if you have not had the procedure done, you need to ensure that you choose a certified and well-experienced surgeon. Ask for before and after photos of his previous clients.

4. Excessive Bleeding

Excessive bleeding is serious complications of a tummy tuck surgery, because if left unattended, it can be fatal. This can be avoided intra-operatively and at post-op if you stop smoking and eat healthy. The former can delay healing, while the latter can help nourish your cells and tissues to recover better. You must inform your surgeon immediately because you might be asked to discontinue some medications, or you need to drain accumulated blood. A blood transfusion could also be necessary especially if youve lost a significant amount of blood.

5. Skin Necrosis

Skin necrosis can also be called skin death. This can be displayed with your skin going from pale to black due to the absence of circulation. This is brought upon by the separation of skin and fat layers from your inner girdle. It usually occurs over a small area; however you should immediately have it checked with your surgeon.

6. Dog Ears

These are excess skin that protrudes at both ends of your tummy tuck scar which results to dog-ears. This is common among those who have very loose skin. Fortunately, this can be removed right away on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

About the Author: To avoid these complications, entrust you surgery to the certified and experienced surgeons at

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